More on The Undivided Heart

The next album is actually going to be an EP; just five songs. They will be a different vibe than what you’re used to from Red Heaven. Not rock, but more ambient/lyrical. I’ll be using writings from the Baha’i Faith for lyrics and am currently finishing off the musical compositions. There will be no buildup, no marketing, no hype machine, no crowdfunding campaign. Like the two Red Heaven albums before it, The Undivided Heart will be released digital-only. Unlike the previous two releases, it will be offered free of charge with a broad license for public�broadcasting. I will encourage people to share the downloads with others.

The next album after The Undivided Heart will be more like the Red Heaven you already know. This is a personal project that I want to explore, and now that the Red Heaven lineup is so great, I thought now would be a good time… in between “major” releases.

Coming soon…

Just before we get into the fun of the upcoming Tyendinaga video and the live shows online and the live house concerts, etc. etc… let me give you a sneak peek at what Red Heaven is up to creating, starting this week.

The Undivided Heart - Promo Tile

Red Heaven on Apple Connect

Apple Connect is a new social media channel from Apple that encourages artists to interact directly with listeners. There’s not much to it yet but, with time, I think it may turn into something really interesting.

Red Heaven on Apple Connect

If you have an Apple product (Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod), go to this link (and make sure to open it in iTunes) and clicked “Connect” to get a look at what Red Heaven is doing there.