In five minutes (4PM EST/1PM PST) I�m starting a show online (free to listen) to support the kids of the Live & Learn Institute of Nakuru, Kenya. You can listen in at
If you want to contribute, you can email-transfer (in Canada): [email protected]
If you prefer PayPal: [email protected]
And if you don�t want to contribute and you just want to listen, that�s okay too. 🙂
Author Archives: jwcorey
Last Minute Show on Facebook…
Looking for something to do tonight? Now in progress…
The Facebook Shows Keep Coming
So I just finished another one (clicky). And if you wanna see more of them, join this group where I’ll make the announcements and stuff.
Live In The Time Of Covid 19
Bullet: New Video Out Now
Bullet: The first video from Echolocation is now out. Go watch.
Now Available: Echolocation
Listen Now: Bandcamp, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, & Amazon.
Go Get It
Echolocation is now released on Bandcamp. Over the next few days it’ll pop up on Amazon, iTunes, and all those other places.
You’ve been waiting long enough. Go grab it.
Tonight: Echolocation Listening Party
Tonight, on the last night of 2019, Red Heaven’s will be hosting an online listening party for the new album, Echolocation. Completely free, completely easy. Go to at 7PM Pacific / 10PM Eastern and click the button, then listen to a curated tour of 15 new songs, guided by Joel Tamas� and ring in the new year just as Echolocation is finally released to the whole world.
This is the night when the long wait is over: Echolocation is ready to hear. Join us tonight for the debut.
Echolocation Drops At Midnight
Tonight, make sure you spend New Year’s Eve with me as I host a listening party for the brand new album, Echolocation, that goes live at midnight EST. I’ll be playing each of the 15 tracks and I’ll be talking about them one at a time, explaining how they were made, sharing stories. And all you have to do is go to
I’ll meet you there, and Happy New Year!
It’s about that time…
When I bust out this goony costume it�s either time for prom or an Echolocation video shoot� and I quit high school a lonnnnnng time ago.